How to Create Offers That Sell

December 8, 2016

As an entrepreneur you know that putting together a marketing strategy around your ideal client will allow you to attract the clients and customers you most want to serve. But after you attract your clients, the next step is to make them an offer.

If you want to make money in your business, you must create offers your ideal clients want to buy. Something they cannot resist and whip out their credit card with barely any resistance.

I’ve been selling for decades and I can tell you that there have been plenty of times that I’ve been tasked with trying to sell something that just wasn’t able to be sold.

So what makes up a good offer? An offer is something that someone knows will solve their problem or provide the desired outcome they would like to have.

How do you create an offer that cannot be resisted? Below are the nine parts to crafting an offer that will sell.

  1. Who: The first step to coming up with your offer is knowing who the offer is for (your ideal client). Make sure it’s designed for the person you most want to work with.
  2. What: Once you know who it’s for, what problem(s) will your offer solve for them?
  3. Why: The next part of creating an offer is knowing why your ideal client needs it. Once you write this out then you’ll be able to answer any objection they have about buying it.
  4. What Benefits: Then you need to know what benefits your offer will provide for them? For example, when I created my Revenue Makers Mastermind(TM) program, I knew that by enrolling in the program the benefits they would receive would include a marketing plan that attracts clients quickly, a business plan that helps them generate the revenue they want in the time frame they’re looking for, and the ability to sell anything they create.
  5. Results: Next you need to identify the results. What is someone going to learn, do, have or be as a result of your offer?
  6. Features: Then you want to lay out the features of your program. These are the logistics. For example, my Revenue Makers Mastermind(TM) includes 12 private coaching sessions with me, monthly training calls, monthly Q&A calls, 3 2-day live intensives, a private Facebook community, and much more. These features are the way in which I deliver the results my program provides.
  7. Cost: Next you need to determine your cost. What are you charging? What is the full payment amount? What is the amount if they pay in payments?
  8. Bonuses: When you create your offers you should consider offering additional bonuses. These add to the value of the program and support the offer. For example, in my program, a Bonus I include is my Client Converting Talks Course which teaches how to attract clients through speaking. It’s a necessary part of their learning and a great benefit to the program I offer.
  9. Limiters: Sometimes have a limiter entices someone to buy. A limiter can be done as a limited time offer or in the number of how many are available.

For every offer you create you want to make sure you have all nine elements included. When you do, you’ll have a much more attractive and desirable offer. Which then makes selling your services that much easier.

Now I’d love to hear from you. How are your offers selling? Do you have all of these nine elements for your offers? Which are missing that you think you need to include to make your offers more desirable? 

Are you a coach or service-based entrepreneur who would like more support with growing your business and attracting more clients and is having a hard time doing it on your own? Schedule a complimentary session and we’ll discuss your business and how I can support you with creating the business you want. Click here to schedule your complimentary session. 

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

Download the Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide

Discover how to get your most ideal leads from speaking

Jeannie Spiro

Want to make more money in your business?

- Here’s how I can help -

Monetize the Stage™:
The Signature Talk Lead Generation Program

Attract more clients, fill your funnel and get more ideal clients to your Discovery Calls so you can sell your coaching programs and offers in this private coaching program that includes modules, templates and guides.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want to use speaking to attract ideal clients through live and virtual stages.

Revenue Makers Mastermind The Money Multiplying & Business Scaling Program

This 12-month program helps you create recurring revenue business models, transformational offers, a one-to-many marketing system and simplified sales systems to monetize and scale your business and break into multiple 6 figures and beyond.

Ideal for growing and advancing online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want a streamlined approach to attract, convert and scale.

Sales Strategy with Jeannie: 90-Day Private Sales Accelerator Program

Work with Jeannie in her private 90 day coaching program to design or refine your next offer, develop your sales system to sell and fill your your offer, coaching program or mastermind with ease.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want private coaching to help you launch, sell and enroll clients into your next offer.