I help established women coaches and service-providers monetize and scale their expertise...
...so they can multiply their profits, maximize their impact and enjoy their life more.
Jeannie Spiro
Business Coach & Strategist for Women

I help established women coaches and service providers monetize and scale their expertise...
...so they can multiply their profits, maximize their impact and enjoy their life more.
Jeannie Spiro
Business Coach & Strategist for Women

Download the Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide
Discover how to get your most ideal leads from speaking
Want to help more people, make more money and take the complication out of running your business?
Imagine if you had…
A system to generate more of your most ideal clients, without having to spend so much time or money on your marketing?
A business model that allows you to work with more clients and helps you create consistent and recurring revenue in your business every month?
Sales systems that help you sell your services and programs without having to constantly launch or stress about how and when you will generate revenue in your business?
A business that allows you to make the income and impact you want to make.

Hi, I’m Jeannie Spiro!
I’m a Business Coach & Sales Strategist for coaches, experts & service-providers.

I'm the first to admit that I made monetizing my coaching business far harder than it needed to be.
As a former Corporate Sales Executive with 25 years of experience in managing a sales team, serving thousands of clients, and mastering sales strategies that allowed me to close millions of dollars of business, I quickly fell into the trap of overcomplicating how to monetize my coaching business.
I tried it all.
Bought the courses, joined the coaching programs, tried the Ads and learned and implemented every online marketing and sales strategy available - but nothing seemed to help me monetize my business faster.
Deciding to scrap it all, I dialed back the over complication and focused on developing offers that would sell and creating sales systems to sell them. Within 18 months I had my first multiple 6-figure year.
Ten years later, I continue to use the same streamlined sales systems that allow me and my clients to make multiple 6-figures and more year after year.
Having helped hundreds of women monetize their business I’m on a mission to empower more women to simplify their path to making more money in their business.
Simplify growing, monetizing and scaling your coaching or service-based business.
If you’ve been overcomplicating the path to achieving your next revenue goal, it’s time to develop a streamlined system to making more money in your business.

Want to turn your expertise into more clients and revenue?
- Here’s how I can help -
Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients
Want to turn your speaking engagements into leads and clients? Let's work together to create your signature talk and speaking lead generation system to drive more ideal clients to your offers.
Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.
The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services
Ready to turn your expertise into offers that allow you to serve more clients, make more money and make a bigger difference through your work?
Learn more about this Group Coaching Program Experience below.
Private Sales Strategy Intensive with Jeannie: work 1:1 with Jeannie to sell and scale your offers
Want to dig into my expertise in sales funnels, sales systems and launches that have generated $250,000+ $500,000+ so you can better monetize yours?
Learn more abut this Private Intensive Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.