Why You Don’t Need Another Planner to Reach Your Revenue Goals
September 25, 2020

As a former planner collector who would get sucked in by the latest and greatest tool thinking it was going to solve all my planning needs – I’m here to tell you that planning your business and revenue growth is more about YOU (the coach or client-based business owner) than the tool you use.
As a business owner, whether you’re working towards crossing 100K or scaling to a 7-figure business – there’s never a shortage of tasks, but here’s a secret – your planner isn’t going to be the tool to get you there – it’s what you choose to focus on and how you stay focused that will.
Knowing what tasks to focus on and creating a work flow for your stage of business will make it easier for you to get the most important things done. Once you know what those things are, then you can use whatever organizational system works best for you.
Let’s start from the 10,000 foot view first and whittle this down a bit today (note- this is much like how you’d be planning your revenue growth).
What to Focus on as a Coach or Client-Based Business Owner on the Path to 6-Figures:
At this stage of business you’re likely stressing about making money and wanting the fastest path to making 6-figures. The issue is, you’re probably overwhelmed by to do’s, questioning what you’re doing and allowing bright shiny objects to suck you in.
I’m going to make this incredibly easy for you. Your primary focus right now as a coach or client-based business owner is REVENUE GENERATION.
Where most people get stuck in this stage is hopping from thing to thing thinking they’re doing the right things. It all stems from what happens when you’re uncertain and building your confidence.
But the best way to gain confidence is to hone your craft and build up your client base – not hop from thing to thing or focus on things that won’t allow you to bring in clients and generate revenue.
So when you’re planning your month, weeks and days – you need to ask yourself one question before you put anything into your planner, “Is this project going to lead to clients and revenue quickly?”
If the answer is NO. Put that project on the bottom of your list and move a revenue generating one to the top.
Here’s a perfect example of a project that while really fulfilling, wasn’t directly leading to fast revenue generation.
A client recently spent weeks updating her website and one of the projects within it was to create a new free offer. That alone took three weeks.
At the end of the month she told me that she hadn’t’ reached her revenue goal and was disappointed in her results for the month. When I asked her what she’d focused on for the month she said, “I built a fantastic free offer and finished the copy for my website”.
Don’t get me wrong, that’s all well, good and important – but that alone for a project isn’t going to directly bring in the revenue right away.
The next month we got her back to selling her coaching program and she’s on track to bring in more revenue for her business once again.
If revenue generation is a priority – then all roads need to lead to the fastest path to accomplish that.
What to Focus on as a Coach or Client-Based Business Owner on the Path to 7-Figures
I had a colleague once tell me that getting to 7-figures was an entirely different journey than getting to 6-figures. It took two years as a multiple 6-figure business owner to realize that my projects and actions needed to catch up to my higher revenue goal.
Take one of my clients who had her first 6-figure year last year. She entered 2020 thinking she needed to do the exact same things as she did last year. It took a bit of convincing to get her to realize that she had to move out of focusing entirely on sales and marketing and shift some other things to the top.
With a goal of multiplying her income and getting to $250,000, getting more 1:1 clients wasn’t the answer. Instead, we had to focus on setting up her business to work with more people in a leveraged way.
This meant that her projects needed to be centered around setting up her business and business model differently.
While revenue generation was still important, redesigning her business to allow for growth became her top priority.
Here’s how I want you to think about your business planning going forward.
- Choose your goal (can be revenue or mission driven – depends on what drives you).
- Create a plan for it.
- Determine the projects within the plan.
- Focus on monthly project goals.
- Make Monday your focus day (and get clear on your tasks for each week).
Then use whatever planner or online planning, task management system to help you get what you want to get done done.
Give it a try and let me know how that works for you.
Want support getting your coaching or client-based business to 6 or 7 figures?
- Join me in the From Six to Seven FREE Facebook Community where you’ll get inspiration and inside tips about how to take your coaching or client-based business to 6 or 7-figures.
- Download the FREE 7-Figure Success Roadmap: Spinning your wheels as you near 6-figures or struggling to figure out the path to your 7-figure coaching or client-based business? Grab the free guide.
- Schedule a complimentary Scale Your Coaching Business Session. Are you a coach or client-based business owner who has some clients, but isn’t making $10K per month? Or you’re making 6+ figures and can’t figure out what to do to double or triple your revenue. Complete a brief questionnaire and we’ll schedule a complimentary Scale Assessment and we’ll discuss the path and determine your next best steps.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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