Why the words “Let Me Get Back to You” Are Not a Bad Thing (and how to turn it into a sale)

March 10, 2016


There are many sales trainers and coaches who will tell you that when you hear the words Let Me Get Back to You”, that it’s a bad thing.

I’m here to tell you they’re NOT.

Having spent over 20 years in corporate sales positions and the past six years teaching coaches, consultants and service-based entrepreneurs how to sell, I come from the school of thought that this statement is an invitation.  An invitation you ask?

YES, that’s right! An invitation.

Here’s why…when someone says, “I need to get back to you” or “I need to think about it”, what they’re really saying is,

  • “I don’t have enough information to make a decision”
  • “I still have questions”
  • “I’m not sure about myself and if this will work”
  • “I’m not sure if you’re the person to help me”

Now as the business owner who’s wanting to help that potential client, it’s up to you to uncover what’s behind the need for them to get back to you so you can determine if it’s a flat out “No, a “YES” in disguise or “I really need to wait”.

There’s one simple question you need to ask when you hear “Let me get back to you”… mind you, it’s really simple but extremely EFFECTIVE.

The BEST Way to Handle, “Let me get back to you” is to ask this simple QUESTION:

“I’m absolutely happy to follow up with you and allow you time to think about it. But let me ask you something. Do you have any remaining questions  I can answer that may help you make a decision today?” 

It’s that simple. Really. All you need to do is reopen the door and make sure that your ideal client feels they have and know everything they need to make a decision. It’s your job to make sure they do.

Now some ways to help make the decision easier and lead to the sale are: 

  • Marketing Collateral:  I will often direct people to my services page where I further explain the program options for them. It explains what the program is about, who it’s for and the results they’re likely to get from working with me
  • Create a Video: Offer a video of you explaining the program and addressing the most common questions they may have
  • Directing them to an FAQ Page on your website: They may have a lot of questions, questions you’ve likely answered before many times over. You can then direct them to a page and walk them through it together.
  • Direct them to your Testimonials: Sometimes they’re looking for proof that you can be the one to support them. Your client testimonials can do just that.
  • Offer References: Other people prefer that they speak to someone you’ve worked with before they make an investment in working with you. Have a list of past or current clients who’ve agreed to speak about their experience with you (preferably those who have gotten results)

The point of all of this is to say that there is no reason to think that “Let me get back to you” is a bad thing. If you know how to handle it, there’s a very good chance you can turn it into a sale.

Here’s What You Need to Do Next:

  1. Write out the answers you have to the objections you get
  2. Be prepared to answer the “Let me get back to you” statement using any or all of the options I provided above.
  3. Stop listening to experts who tell you to PUSH the sale. It is never in the best interest of you or your future client to do that.
  4. Have open conversations with your future clients. Consider them as open dialogues. Some say “Yes” on the spot and others need a little time, grant that when necessary.

“Ask Me Anything”:

In the comments below let me know your thoughts on this post. What’s worked for you? What hasn’t? I’d love to hear and  help!


PS: Want more clarity with the direction of your business? I’m happy to chat. Simply schedule your complimentary Business Breakthrough Session here. 

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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