What Do You Want to Know About Hosting Profitable Teleseminars and Webinars?

October 17, 2014

Alright, so about a gazillion times a week I’m asked about how to host profitable teleseminars and webinars.

With questions like:

  • How do I decide what content to include in the call and how long should it be?
  • When is it better to host a teleseminar vs. a webinar?
  • How do I set up the registration page, drive traffic to it and create a Facebook Ad to promote it?
  • How many emails do I send out before, during and after the call?
  • How do I prepare myself for a successful call?

And so much more. I totally love it because I live, breathe and think teleseminars and webinars as a way to get clients and grow my business online (plus I’ve done just close to 100 of them now) and I’d LOVE to hear your questions about how you can profit from them too.

So I’d love it if you would complete this quick questionnaire for me and in exchange I have a FREE eBook for you, “How to Use Teleseminars to Build Your List and Get More Clients”.

To complete the quick questionnaire and get your eBook CLICK HERE now.


Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

Download the Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide

Discover how to get your most ideal leads from speaking

Jeannie Spiro

Want to turn your expertise into more clients and revenue?

- Here’s how I can help -

Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients

Want to turn your speaking engagements into leads and clients? Let's work together to create your signature talk and speaking lead generation system to drive more ideal clients to your offers.
Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.

The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services

Ready to turn your expertise into offers that allow you to serve more clients, make more money and make a bigger difference through your work?
Learn more about this Group Coaching Program Experience below.


Private Sales Strategy Intensive with Jeannie: work 1:1 with Jeannie to sell and scale your offers

Want to dig into my expertise in sales funnels, sales systems and launches that have generated $250,000+ $500,000+ so you can better monetize yours?

Learn more abut this Private Intensive Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.