The Secret Behind Accomplishing Your Goals
January 5, 2017

It’s a New Year and if you’re anything like me you’re excited for what’s ahead. You’ve done your business plan. You’ve mapped out how you’re going to make money and get clients and now you’re ready to sit back and make magic happen.
But hold on a quick sec…if history repeats itself, there’s a good chance the goals you’ve set for yourself might not happen.
In this video I’m sharing why even when you have the best intentions for your goals, they may not see the light of day and what you should do to actually make your goals come to life.
Here’s what’s important to know about goal setting:
- Goals without a success plan are less likely to happen.
- Just because you want a goal to come true doesn’t mean it will. Goals require actions behind them.
- You need to be aware of your own success habits. What are things you know you should and can do to make your goals come true?
- Know yourself. Know what you need. Know your history. If there are things that you must do to help you become more successful then put those factors into place.
Take my example of exercising as a goal. I want to exercise five times a week. Three of those days will be outside. I live in New England and it’s cold and sometimes icy and snowy here. If I say I’m going to exercise every morning at 6am rain or shine, yet I know that I hate the cold and won’t work out when it’s below 30 degrees, why would I set a goal to work out then?
Instead, I put a success plan in place. Which might look more like this:
- Work out midday when it’s warm outside.
- Get a good pair of boots I can walk in that are conducive for being outside in whatever weather condition.
- Have a hat, gloves, winter vest, pullover and exercise pants (or a few of them), clean and ready to wear.
Basically set myself up with a success plan.
Now it’s the same in business. You can’t just say you want to double your income in 2017. You have to know:
- How you’re going to make that money
- What actions you’re going to take to make it happen
And…you need to create a success plan and success habits to follow through on your goals.
So maybe you’re planning to launch a course and you know you need time in your calendar to build the course. Or maybe you aren’t your best at night so when it comes to recording the modules for the course you need to block out time in your calendar to record them every morning for two weeks.
Or maybe you know that the only way you’re going to work on your projects/goals and see them through is by working in a clean office environment, yet your desk is covered with piles of paper and you can’t find anything.
Bottom line, no matter what you set for goals, you must look within yourself and know what you need to do or have in place in order for you to complete them.
Now I’d love to hear from you. What goals have you set for yourself this year? What do you feel you need to have in place in order to make sure you complete them?
Let me know in the comments below. Also, if you’ve set some goals and you’re not sure how you’re going to reach them, let me know those too so together we can sort through what you might need to do to set yourself up for success.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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