The 4 Step Formula to Crafting Your Signature Talk
May 15, 2014

One of the best ways to build your list and attract more online clients is by speaking.
Your Signature Talk (or presentation) is what you will use to attract more clients and build your mailing list and it’s something you can deliver online in a Teleseminar, Webinar, Google Hangout or Livestream. You can also deliver the same presentation live.
It’s an easy thing to say but often hard to do when you don’t know how to put together a presentation that will sell you.
As a coach, consultant or service based business owner it’s your job to get your ideal clients to know and trust you before they invest in your services.
Creating a talk based on your expertise and their pain, challenge, desire or questions will not only make you an expert but provide tremendous value to your ideal client.
Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of creating a talk that’s a lecture and not one that solves a problem.
When you use the following formula you’ll stand out as expert, solve a burning problem and easily transition into a logical solution your ideal clients can’t resist buying.
If done properly your presentation will create trust, educate and provide a solution.
Here are 4 steps to get you started:
Step 1: Choose a Topic
Choose a topic based on your expertise and your ideal client’s challenge, pain or desire.
You’re a life coach specializing in divorce.
Topic ideas:
3 Steps to Dating after Divorce
How to Date and Find the Right Mate After Divorce
By using numbers, How To’s, steps, strategies, etc. it will help you sell your topic.
Some good ways to come up with topic ideas are to look at magazine covers and books on
Step 2: Craft Your Story
Your story is what makes your marketing more intimate and real. It’s what differentiates you from your competitors and hooks your audience.
A good story will connect you to your audience and begin the like, know and trust that needs to occur before any sale can happen.
People like a tough beginning and a happily ever after. Do you have one that relates to how you’ve gotten to where you are today?
Another way of crafting your story is to reveal why you’re an expert or an authority on the topic.
As a business owner and marketer you should begin to listen to effective stories. Make note of the emotions that arise and how you feel about the speaker. If at a live presentation, observe how others shift from skeptical to trusting when they’ve heard a story. Your story should do the same.
I recommend explaining your journey. Where you were before you found the solution to this problem. Why you’re an expert on this topic. (It doesn’t need to be perfect, you will edit it and refine it in time)
Step 3: Outline Your Content
The next step to crafting your Signature Talk is the content.
These should be the core subjects of your presentation. If we use the example of:
3 Steps to Dating after Divorce, then you will provide the specific steps someone needs to take.
This part is the meat of your presentation and where you will cover the steps by explaining what they are and why they are important.
This will be the bulk of your presentation as it should provide great value and solutions to the problems your ideal clients have.
Step 4: Choose Your Offer
Every signature talk should have an offer at the end of it. It can be your product, course, program or simply a Strategy Session to speak with you. It can also be an invitation to join your mailing list.
It shouldn’t take too long to put together a presentation but it is worth the time and effort. You may find that you may have 2-4 different presentations you can deliver.
I recommend starting with one and then make plans to deliver it within 3-4 weeks.
When you do you’ll be well on your way to a bigger list and more clients in no time.
Create your signature talk by choosing a topic, writing your story, outlining your content and providing a next step logical offer.
I’m looking forward to hearing what you come up with. Feel free to come back and let me know!
I’d love to hear from you, what questions do you have about creating a signature talk to build your list and get more clients. Let me know in the comments below.
Ready to learn how to attract more clients and grow your business with speaking? Set up a complimentary session with Jeannie to see how it can attract and convert more clients for you! Click here to find out more.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.
The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services
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