Posts Tagged ‘strategy’
Applying Strategy to Goal Setting
Goals. We all sit down at the beginning of January every year and come up with new goals. Sometimes they’re all new. Sometimes they’re carried over from the year before. Sometimes our list is long and daunting. Other times it’s short and sweet. I take a very different approach to goal setting in my business.…
Read MoreHow to Find Speaking Gigs
You’ve been told that speaking is a great strategy to attract more clients (I say it all the time!), but the only problem is that you have no idea how to find more places to speak. In today’s video I’m sharing with you some simple strategies to find speaking gigs. Here’s what you’re going to…
Read MoreIs Gmail going to change your marketing?”
There’s a lot of buzz right now about the new filter options that Google has set up for Gmail users. If you’re a business owner – especially one who actively uses email marketing then you may be freaking out about what’s going to happen to your marketing. Now before you get worried that you might…
Read MoreHow to Make the Most of a Mastermind
A Mentor or Mastermind – How Do You Choose? I’ll never forget the moment I hired my first coach. It was right after I went to an event and realized that I didn’t have a clue what I was doing to grow my business online. I was beginning to appreciate the power of the web…
Read More3 Steps to Successful Launches
Have you ever launched a course, program or product and instead of it selling out you were freaking out from the lack of sales? Guess what? We’ve all been there. Let me tell you a little story about my launch flops. I created an amazing program, spent months putting it together and marketed it to…
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