Small Business Owners: Let’s Think Creatively, Keep Our Fears In Check and Diversify
March 14, 2020

As small business owners, many of us operate from a daily state of stress.
At any give time we’re stressed about positioning our businesses, getting clients, making money consistently, managing our workload and so much more.
But with the Coronavirus and uncertainty of what this means to life and business, many business owners and clients I’m speaking to are dealing with a whole new level of stress.
“How can I work and get paid if I can’t meet clients?”
“Clients are canceling appointments, what will this mean?.
“My business operates by supporting people in person, how can I work online?”
“What should I do and how can I pivot during this time?”
As a Business Coach, I’ve known for a long time that it’s important to diversify how I serve my clients and share my marketing.
Although I work with clients in person and host live events, I also do a significant amount of online coaching and social media marketing.
On top of that, as the needs of my clients have changed and online marketing has morphed over time, I’ve stayed ahead of the curve and chosen virtual methods to offer my work.
Some of us have inherently been doing this for some time, others have operated their businesses mainly offline.
Because I recognize that some businesses aren’t set up for this right now and many business owners are feeling the panic and uncertainty of what’s ahead, I wanted to share some thoughts as to how you as a coach or business owner can navigate your business growth and marketing during a time of social distancing and isolation.
First, let’s remember that this is a time where individuals need support in a variety of ways and will be looking for other ways to learn and be entertained.
As a woman in midlife sandwiched between running a business, being there for my young adult children and joining my siblings as we support our parents from a distance – I know that I’m open to looking for resources that will keep us safe, protected, supported and entertained.
For years our world has been moving to providing online education and to diversify our marketing. With the plethora of resources available, you now have more ways than ever to connect, teach, serve, learn, market and sell.
If you haven’t jumped on the virtual education and marketing bandwagon, now’s your chance to think creatively and strategically about how you can diversify your services and share your message virtually to more audiences.
It’s a chance to think about how you can share your knowledge and services virtually and create new streams of income.
It’s a chance to start that Podcast you’ve been wanting to start.
It’s a chance to get on Facebook Lives, InstaStories and YouTube.
It’s a chance to move your in person meetings to Zoom.
And so much more.
While it’s easy to step into fear, I invite you to put a pause on your fears and worry and consider how you can make some shifts in your business to market and serve your community virtually.
Lastly, because I work with many healers, wellness experts and virtual business experts – I’m inviting my clients to share their resources with those who most need them right now.
If you offer something that others need, don’t hold back.
Let’s all work as a collective to serve in whatever capacity we’re most skilled in.
Let’s rise, lead and serve – together we can help.
Lastly, I’ll be hosting Facebook Lives on my business page and interviewing health, wellness, coaching, virtual business experts and more. Starting this week I’ll be joining with experts to talk about how we as a small business collective can serve with our brilliance to support others.
Head over to my Facebook Page and stay tuned for these special interviews and resources.
Sending virtual hugs and love.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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