Pulling Back the Curtain on Your Signature Talk
August 19, 2016

I’m often told by clients and audience members that they appreciate that I tell it like it is. I share my wins and my losses so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes. I like to think of it as pulling back the curtain and showing what’s happening behind the scenes. When you share only part of the story, people are bound to have only part of what they need to make a difference with their speaking. That doesn’t fill me up. That’s not why I became a coach. I didn’t create a formula for a Signature Talk That Converts only to keep it to myself.
Speaking is the number one marketing strategy to powerfully attract more clients and grow your business. Secondly, when you come from a place of service, rather than selling, you actually make more sales! That’s right. Don’t push the sales and the sales will come to you. I’m going to draw back the curtain and show you what I mean by that and how you can do it, too.
There are three keys to designing a signature talk that comes from a place of service, not sales. And they are easy to incorporate into your message so that your talk doesn’t bomb and you can reach more people and sell more of your programs, products, and services. I know it works. It works for me and for clients in my Mastermind and Client Converting Talks programs.
Behind Door Number 1: Story
To establish yourself as both a speaker and a “you-can-fill-in-the-blank-with-whatever-your-zone-of-genius-is-here,” people need to experience you. They are determining whether they want to work with and/or buy from you. They are evaluating your credibility, expertise, and the value of your content. Your story goes a long way toward giving them what they need to make their decision.
Now, more than story, you need to incorporate a relevant story that connects them to you in length, content, and the manner in which it is told. This can take some practice but start by writing out a few of the stories of how you came to be an expert in your zone of genius—How did it start? When did you know? How did you get from there to where you are today? And, perhaps most importantly, how does your story help the audience?
You can share your relevant story from experience by telling the tale of you or you can share it from your expert status, explaining how you became an authority on the subject. This second type may involve case studies and other outcome-based results you, or people you work with, achieved by using your methods.
Whatever type you settle on, be sure that story is part of your talk.

Behind Door Number 2: Content
And not just any content. You need valuable, compelling content that keeps the audience engaged and gives them motivation, inspiration, strategy, or a plan of how they can implement a positive change in their life or business as a result of hearing you speak. Your talk needs to pass this test: Is it clear? Is it valuable? Does it solve a problem or challenge for them?
A signature talk designed to convert will be packed with valuable content. The kind that keeps people madly scribbling notes as you speak. You know it when you see it. Envision it as you prepare your talk and include that high level of valuable content as your create.
The key to all of it is taking the content from whatever your signature system or service is and incorporating that very information into your signature talk. These two go hand in hand. Speakers who try to save all the value for after potential clients say “Yes” are actually going to get a lot less yesses!
Behind Door Number 3: Offer
An offer? Yes, of course! And yet, how many talks have you sat through, even with story, and valuable content and as the talk draws to a close it just trails off and ends? I see it all the time. People either end their talk with an abrupt, “Thank you and good night!” or the talk just kind of dwindles down and dies like a smoldering fire. It actually makes me feel sad. Sad for the business that doesn’t come when an offer is not presented as part of a signature talk.
Let’s face it. You work hard to create a signature talk. If it doesn’t convert to sales calls and conversion, it’s pretty darn hard to grow a business. It’s really quite simple: Incorporate an offer—a clear Call To Action (CTA) into your signature talk. Now, certainly it takes some finesse to do this with ease and grace but it’s also not that difficult. After you deliver your story and valuable content, invite the audience to take the next step that brings them closer to working with you or buying your services. You can offer a sales conversation, a free gift, a trial membership—the options are endless—but do offer something. The more closely your offer aligns with your services, the more likely your audience will become your clients.
So, there you have it—the glimpse behind the curtain. Actually, I hope you feel it’s more than a glimpse. I want you to have what’s behind all three doors and I want you to incorporate them into your signature talk so you can attract the right prospects and convert them to clients.
Write or refresh your signature talk to include:
- Your Story
- Your Content
- Your Offer
Yes, it’s as simple as 1,2,3. If you need help pulling it all together, I’m happy to show you how. Want to create a Signature Talk that helps you attract and convert more clients? Then join me this October and get yours done! Click here to learn more and reserve your spot.
In the comments below please share how this helps you design a signature talk that converts. I’d love to know your thoughts.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients
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Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.
The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services
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Learn more about this Group Coaching Program Experience below.
Private Sales Strategy Intensive with Jeannie: work 1:1 with Jeannie to sell and scale your offers
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Learn more abut this Private Intensive Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.