My Secret to Powerful Presentations That Captivate Your Audience

October 29, 2015

I don’t know about you but I find nothing worse than watching a webinar or attending a live presentation and being bored to tears.

It’s almost like you’d hoping the presenter is going to improve as they go but as you see slide after slide filled with a blur of text and bullet points, you know it’s never going to improve.

What’s terrible is that they likely spent hours putting the presentation together and if they’re a business owner who’s planning to make a pitch at the end – if they can’t keep their audience engaged, they’ll lose them way before the sale.

Having been guilty of the very same thing more times than I’d like to say, going into my 2 day live event I wanted to make sure I offered a really captivating and engaging presentation.

With a lot to cover, I felt extremely overwhelmed and unsure of how to stand in front of a room and keep my audience fully engaged for two days.

So like I do with everything in my business, I hit the internet and Googled how to put together a captivating powerpoint presentation.

After finding a ton of resources, I dove in and discovered three keys to creating a captivating presentation.

Key #1: Use more visuals and less text

Most people can process an image quickly and if you use an image that corresponds to your message you’ll leave them feeling connected to what you’re trying to say as opposed to reading the same thing.

Key #2: Use one slide for each message

I don’t know about you but I’ve done this more times than I can count. The best way to get your message across is to use one slide and one statement for each message you’re trying to convey. Less is more and it’s easier for your audience to absorb what you’re saying

Key #3: Use less stock photos and more of your own photos

Your audience needs to see themselves in what you’re saying. Don’t get me wrong, some stock photos are fine but the more you can convey your message through images you take or of real situations, the easier it is for your audience to see themselves in the message.

So I set out to create my presentation and what I found was that I delivered the best presentation of my career. Not only did I not use any notes, but I created just the right ease and flow to keep my audience engaged for two straight days.

With nearly 50 attendees coming to learn how to master speaking to attract clients, you’d better believe that I needed to put together a darn good presentation.

What happened was exactly that. The presentation was easy to deliver and I didn’t bore my attendees to tears. And when I got to my offer to join me in my Expansion Coaching Club my offer was both easy to deliver and easy to receive, so much so that I ended up enrolling over 40% of the attendees into my program right on the spot.

So the next time you put together a powerpoint presentation, whether it’s for a webinar or when you’re speaking live, really put thought into the design. Use less text, more imagery and make sure not to convey too much information per slide.

Okay, so now I’d love to hear from you. What’s your greatest challenge with delivering a webinar, teleseminar or live presentation? Where do you often get stuck? Let me know in the comments below.

And if you’re interested in learning more about how you can get more support with creating your Signature Talk and or developing your business to attract more clients – every time you speak. Click here to check out my Expansion Coaching Programs.

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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