Live Events: How They Can Change The Direction of Your Business – Part 2
September 12, 2013

Alright, now that we’ve covered the benefits of attending an event let’s dig deep into the benefits of hosting one and how you should get started.
I’m going to be completely transparent here, the first time I thought of offering a live event I talked myself out of it. I figured it was too big of a nut to crack and would be better to offer when I had more time in my schedule.
But when I realized the benefits to teaching my content and connecting with people live, I knew I would need to overcome my hesitation and go for it.
You may be there too, wondering if you should do something so bold or possibly uncomfortable like host an event.
Before you talk yourself out of doing one, I want you to consider the benefits of hosting a live event.
Of course there’s the fact that meeting people live helps to shorten the sales process, you either like someone or you don’t. I don’t know about you but I’ve made plenty of decisions after I’ve met someone live.
Another benefit to hosting your own event is that you get to present your content three dimensionally. It allows your attendees to use multiple senses when learning – sight, sound and interaction, all very powerful elements to solidifying a positive experience.
There is no doubt that hosting a live event can be a great deal of work but if you plan it right and document what did and didn’t work, then you’ll learn what to do differently the next time.
Let’s now break it down some of what goes into hosting a live event. There’s Planning, Promoting and Hosting.
Planning – No matter the size of your event you want to give ample time to prepare. You’ll need to be as organized as possible and or hire an event planner to help you with the numerous details that go into hosting one. I’d recommend that you start planning at least 4-6 months ahead of time. Decide where, when and how large you want your event to be. Choose a venue that is relatively convenient for attendees to come to. For example, my event The Online Business Intensive Retreat is going to be within 15 minutes of major airport and located in Providence, RI where it’s a bigger city and easy to get to. The real secret to hosting a great event is to attend some so that you know how to host your own.
Promoting – This is your marketing. Like anything you do, you want to make sure you map out a campaign plan of exactly how you’re going to create buzz around your event. I would recommend creating a launch plan of what you will do and the numerous things you’ll need to do to market your event. From email campaigns, to social media promotion, Facebook Ads and hosting a Teleclass or webinar, determine what you will do and when you will do it. It will take multiple methods to get attendees in their seat.
Hosting – If you do the planning and promoting well, then you’ll find that hosting the event will be far easier than you think. You’ll want your entire event mapped out from when you will have breaks to when you will teach content. Go into the event as relaxed as possible. Hire an assistant or have a family member attend so they may provide assistance and help your event go off without a hitch.
The real keys to a successful event are, design one around what you know your target market will want to attend. Plan the details well in advance and promote and market it early and from several angles.
Let’s talk about YOU hosting a live event. What would you like to know about hosting a live event that I didn’t cover?
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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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