How to Use Twitter to Promote Your Live Events
September 9, 2016

Social media is an insanely powerful tool. What better way is there to create a larger reach to market your business?
Because of it’s effectiveness, it’s also the strategy I rely heavily upon to market my live events. Social media is a powerhouse tool for promoting your workshops, retreats and live events and here’s why.
- You can reach people you might not otherwise be able to connect with
- You can set it and forget it by using tools like Hootsuite or CoSchedule to create posts and tweets for regular promotion
- You can create event buzz and a feeling of fear of missing out…come on, who doesn’t look at party pictures and silently wish they were there?
- It can help you attract sponsors and speakers who might not otherwise know you and your event
- It positions you as an expert. Puts you on the map and allows you to stand out.
Clearly social media is powerful and it’s an absolute given when promoting your workshops, retreats and live events. It’s always part of my event marketing plan and has played a huge part in my upcoming live event, Talk & Profit LIVE!
Today I’d like to take you behind the scenes to show you how I’m using social media to promote my live event and more importantly how you can use it to promote your upcoming workshops, retreats and events.
Using Twitter to Promote Your Live Events
Ah…those 140 characters, #hashtags, Tweets…it’s a unique social media language but as my good friend Donna Cravotta at says, “You can have real conversations with real people when you know how to use the right #hashtags to get found on Twitter.”
To me, Twitter is a necessary part of every event promotion because if you know how to use it, you can reach well beyond just your followers. Here’s how you want to maximize Twitter for promoting your event.
- Go to Twubs to register your event hashtag.
- Create 140 character tweets. Make sure to use link shorteners like, include a graphic (you can create free ones using and don’t forget to include the event hashtag you created.
- Pin it to the top of your Twitter profile. This way every time someone checks you out on Twitter they’ll see this post first.
- Create at least 10 different tweets to promote your event. Use to create a promote schedule. (But make sure to add in other content so it doesn’t just look like you’re in constant promo mode).
Here’s an example of how my pinned Twitter post looks on my Twitter account. (Click on the image below to see it in action and while you’re there make sure to say hello and follow me):

There are dozens of ways to promote your events on social media. I’ll be talking all about using live events as a way to build your business at my upcoming live event. If you’re looking to learn how to get more clients, make more money and have a more freedom based business – make sure to register for Talk & Profit LIVE! by clicking this link. But don’t wait…there are limited seats left!
Now I’d LOVE to hear from you. Have you considered hosting a workshop, retreat or event? Let me know in the comments below, what would you like to know about marketing or hosting one?

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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