How to Use SEO and Social Media to Get More Clients

February 6, 2014

Let’s be real for a moment- when it comes to your social media time, would you say that you’re spending it effectively working on ways to attract more clients online?

Would you say maybe there’s a small chance you’re not?

It’s really not your fault. With a gazillion things to distract you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on…it’s no wonder why you’re not sure how to drive more traffic to your website.

How often would you say you stare at your computer wondering if your posts and tweets are really doing anything and helping you connect with more of your ideal clients?

Often, right?

Here’s the thing… Without a social media and SEO strategy you’re not going to be able to cut through the competitive noise online.

Since I’m always looking for ways to beef up my own social media techniques I was thrilled when I had the chance to attend Donna Cravotta’s Build it Live Event last weekend.

In her 2 ½ day retreat we dove into learning how to find SEO keywords and strategically building them into your social media strategy so that you can get more leads, clients and visibility online.

Because it was such a business-altering event I want to provide a recap of some of the most important strategies she discussed.

Know Your Keywords and How to Use Them

It’s safe to say I’ve taken this for granted and I’m sure you have too. In fact most coaches and service based entrepreneurs are so busy running their businesses that they don’t think about how to use SEO and keywords properly.

Knowing the keywords your target market is searching for will help you know how to write your content and what to include in your website and social media when posting.

Donna explained that the easy way to get started is to make a list of the topics you know your ideal client is searching for and beginning sprinkling them throughout your website, blog and social media.

Not only will it help readers know you’re an expert in those areas but search engines will raise your content to the top when someone is looking for your topics.

Keywords and Social Media

Donna also shared the importance of using keywords throughout social media.

You’ve probably seen #hashtags and wondered when you should use them.

Simply put, these are your keywords and the words that your target market is searching in Google.

The best places to use hashtags are at the end of your sentences on your Facebook page, Twitter and Google +. This way when someone does a search on that topic they’ll be pointed back to you.

I’d like to encourage you to take a look at your keywords right now. Are you using them in your current blog posts? Are you referring to them in social media?

It may sound simple but knowing them and using them will help you attract more clients online.

Questions or Comments? I’d love to them on in the comments below!

What questions do you have about using keywords to attract more clients?

Oh…and if you’re wondering how to create an online business you love then let’s set up a time to talk! Click here to set up a complimentary session here.

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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Jeannie Spiro

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