Episode 19
How to Reawaken Your Spark and Passion with Laura Clark
June 11, 2021

Many people have found themselves questioning their path or doubting their direction. Even successful business owners are wondering if the path they’ve been on is still the right way to continue.
Whether you’re starting your business or already have a highly profitable and successful one, there comes a time in every business owner’s business when internal questioning begins.
Today I’m joined by Laura Clark, the Founder of The Wise Living Institute and Living Your Truth Sisterhood.
Through her programs and coaching, Laura champions others to (re)awaken their purpose and inner wisdom to help better connect to their inner compass to more easily overcome obstacles and step confidently and courageously toward their dreams.
Whether it’s by guiding them through slight pivots or bigger turns, Laura empowers, coaches, and teaches her clients how to align to their truth so they can step into a fuller, more joyful and abundant life.
Listen to the Midlife CEO Podcast by clicking the play button on the audio player below.
Links Mentioned In This Episode:
- Laura Clark – Wise Living Institute
- Free Gift: 6 Truths to Begin Living Your Truth Fully eBook
- Follow Laura on Facebook
PS: If you’d like support with growing your coaching or client-based business, here are several ways I can help:
- Download The Ultimate Lead Generation Starter Guide, designed to help you get more leads and clients. Click here.
- Join the Midlife CEO Facebook Community and connect with other midlife women coaches scaling too. Click here.
- Work with me and my team to scale your coaching or client-based business to 6 or 7-figures. Click here.
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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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