How to Know When to Ditch Your Niche

October 10, 2013

Don’t you just love it when you think you’ve got it all figured out and then one day you realize that something about the work you’re doing just doesn’t feel right.

It happened to me. It’s happened to my colleagues. It’s happened to my clients and it may happen to you too.

I like to call it the “Niche Switch”.

This is when you get to a point in your business that you realize that you’re either not attracting the right clients, aren’t getting enough clients, your business feels too heavy and difficult or you realize you don’t enjoy what you’re doing and who you’re working with.

To be an entrepreneur you must be okay with evolution. You must accept that your business may not look exactly the same in a year or two and that’s absolutely okay.

You see, the brilliant thing that happens as you evolve into your role as business owner is that you get to work with who you want. It’s your choice.

Time and time again I’m asked about narrowing a niche or leaving it entirely for something else and I think it’s the best move you can make.

Many newbies choose a niche that they think they’re supposed to have. But as Gay Hendricks says in his book “The Big Leap” – you will do well in your excellence zone, even make a comfortable living but until you move into your genius zone you won’t be doing your and most satisfying and profitable work.

Clarifying your niche or even switching yours so that you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing is not only a smart business move that will make you more satisfied but far more wealthy in the long run.

Clarifying your niche or even switching yours so that you’re doing what you’re meant to be doing is not only a smart business move that will make you more satisfied but far more wealthy in the long run.

Once you’ve determined your specific niche you’ll want to move forward in the following way:

  • Branding – begin making steps to align your brand to your new niche. This will mean your website, social media profiles and the content you deliver.
  • Seed the switch – begin letting your audience know that there are changes ahead (exciting ones) and include them in the shift by telling them that you can’t wait to reveal some exciting things to them soon. Don’t tell them what it is but start introducing that your business has some exciting news
  • Seek the help from a Mentor – many of my clients come to me seeking support with growing a business that is already slightly established. Often times we end up refining their niche. There’s work involved in entering a different market and often times it’s necessary to get support from someone who’s been through it and can tell you the best approaches to make the changes and begin earning revenue in it as soon as possible.
  • Launch your Niche – there are several ways to launch your new niche, a soft and subtle approach or a big bash. Depending  on your niche and how different the new one is will depend on how you  handle the launch. Regardless of what you decide, know that either way your mailing list and social media followers will shrink before they expand. Don’t freak out about it, it’s totally fine.

There’s quite a bit to refining your niche and making sure you’re working with the right target market. Don’t be afraid to do it, the world needs your brilliance.

Are you ready to refine or switch your niche? Then you’ll want to join me for my 2-day LIVE event, “The Online Business Intensive Retreat” this November 2-3, 2013 where we’ll get your niche so clear that you’ll be certain you’re working in your genius zone. You can learn more about my live event here.

Have you ever had to ditch your niche? Tell me, what came up for you? How did you feel about abandoning it? How did it work out after you did it?  

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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