How to Get More Yes’s From Your Sales Conversations

April 24, 2014


There’s no better feeling than having a sales conversation with an ideal client and closing them on the spot.

I used to think it was crazy that someone who I’d never met before would hire me after one conversation and when I asked around I found that many of my colleagues weren’t closing sales as frequently or easily as me.

So I began to look at what I was doing differently vs. my peers and I realized that I was pre-qualifying my leads really well so that when they arrived for a sales conversation they’d already done their homework about who I was and how I could help them.

Thus making the sale close much faster.

I’ve put together a brief video about how you can do pre-qualify your leads so that you can get more yes’s from your sales conversations. You’ll also learn how to set up your website to pre-qualify ideal clients so you have a much better success rate in closing your sales conversations.

Here’s how to Pre-Qualify Leads So You Can Get More Yes’s

1. Keywords: Make sure that your website clearly speaks to your ideal clients. Speak to their wants, worries and challenges so that they know you have the solutions to the challenges they have. Include keywords your ideal client might be searching for when looking for a solution to their problem. When your website is sprinkled with these words on each page it will not only help you get found online but when an ideal client reads your website they’ll know you’re speaking to them.

2. Contact Page: Make sure your contact page asks them to complete specific questions so you know if they are an ideal client to speak with. The more information you gather from them about their questions, struggles and goals the easier it is for you to know if they’re an ideal client and if you can support them when you set up a strategy session to speak further.

The goal of pre-qualifying your leads is to help you know who you can do your best work with and who should become an ideal client.

When you do so you’re more apt to close more sales conversations.

I’d love to hear from you, when it comes to your sales conversations how are you doing? Do you struggle in this area? Let me know in the comments below.

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

Download the Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide

Discover how to get your most ideal leads from speaking

Jeannie Spiro

Want to make more money in your business?

- Here’s how I can help -

Monetize the Stage™:
The Signature Talk Lead Generation Program

Attract more clients, fill your funnel and get more ideal clients to your Discovery Calls so you can sell your coaching programs and offers in this private coaching program that includes modules, templates and guides.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want to use speaking to attract ideal clients through live and virtual stages.

Revenue Makers Mastermind The Money Multiplying & Business Scaling Program

This 12-month program helps you create recurring revenue business models, transformational offers, a one-to-many marketing system and simplified sales systems to monetize and scale your business and break into multiple 6 figures and beyond.

Ideal for growing and advancing online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want a streamlined approach to attract, convert and scale.

Sales Strategy with Jeannie: 90-Day Private Sales Accelerator Program

Work with Jeannie in her private 90 day coaching program to design or refine your next offer, develop your sales system to sell and fill your your offer, coaching program or mastermind with ease.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want private coaching to help you launch, sell and enroll clients into your next offer.