How to Beat the Holiday Cash Flow Slump
November 19, 2015

Are you freaking out thinking that between now and New Year’s you’re not going to be making any extra money in your business? (I used to too). In fact, I used to tell myself that between Thanksgiving and New Year’s I’d not be making any money. Guess what? I was wrong!
The truth is, if you set up your business correctly you will be able to generate money in your business every single month. And if you don’t, you won’t.
So what’s the secret to making money over the holiday season? Here you go…
Stop the Hours for Dollars Cycle, Offer Packages
The reason why most coaches and consultants struggle over the holiday season is because they are charging by the session or the hour. Think of it this way, if you charge by the hour and a client cancels, you’re not getting paid. Instead, you can offer packages that include breaking the payments up monthly.
Don’t Assume Your Clients Don’t Need What You Offer Over the Holidays
Quite a few of my clients are coaches who specialize in health coaching. One of them told me that she didn’t think her market wanted to pay for health coaching over the holidays. I beg to differ – there are many people who don’t want to gain another pound going into the holiday season, instead they want to know how to navigate the season where they may in fact actually lose weight.
If you are smart about how you market to your ideal clients and show them the need for your services (especially this time of year), they’re going to jump at the chance to work with you.
Be Creative with Your Offers – Think Gift Certificates & Holiday Specials
I don’t know about you but I don’t feel I need another material thing. I’m at the point in my life where I love decluttering every chance I can get. What I prefer though are experiences and services that can make my life and my family’s life easier and happier.
Here’s where you can be creative with what you offer. If you have a service, product or program why not make it available so a loved one can buy it for someone else? Maybe you offer a course you know someone needs but might not buy themselves. Send out an email to your mailing list and tell your list to let their loved ones know this is something they want for the holidays.
The point is, you can be really creative about what you offer and how to make it available to your ideal clients. If you assume no one needs or wants to buy what you have, then guess what…no one will buy.
Here’s What To Do Next…
Carve out a little time in the next few days to brainstorm all the ways you can make money in your business over the next 6 weeks. Try to come up with at least 20 ways. Once you’re done with the list choose the top 3 ways and take action on them.
So there you have it. You have no excuse not to make money over the holidays. Get your creative juices going and let me know what you come up with. I’d love to hear what you’re going to do to make money over the holidays. Let me know in the comments below okay?!
And if you’re wondering how you can create coaching or consulting business that easily generates money month after month then let’s talk. Click here to schedule a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session with Jeannie.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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