How to Avoid Desperation Marketing and Sales Tactics at Year End
December 15, 2017
While internet marketers and entrepreneurs seem to be scrambling and heavily promoting during year end, you may be feeling overwhelmed possibly turned off by the constant and heavy promotion.
For some, this is their time of year. Maybe they’ve planned their promotions and what they’re selling is in complete alignment with their goals for their business.
For others, it seems they’re suddenly coming out of the woodwork and maybe either trying to ride the wave or attempting to make money in any form before the year ends.
Either way, how do you as an entrepreneur avoid aggressively marketing and selling to your audience so instead of turning them off, you turn them into a buyer?
First and foremost – you must focus on giving value all year long. It’s not just about randomly showing up and asking for business, you’ve got to gain like, know and trust before you ask for the sale.
Second, you must have a plan.
This is why I recommend that this time of year and into early January is when you get really clear about how you’re going to make money in your business for the upcoming year AND exactly how are you going to wrap around a marketing strategy to help you accomplish it.
Listen, I’m sometimes a shoot from the hip kind of woman, but I always, always, always plan my income and my marketing around it and it’s why I 1) reach my revenue goals every year and 2) avoid the desperation marketing and scramble to make money at the end of the year.
Earlier this week I hosted a 3 hour Strategic Planning Intensive for my Revenue Makers Mastermind clients to plan their upcoming year and by the end of our time together they felt confident, calm and assured of what they need to do and how they need to do it to reach their goals.
Here’s a sliver of what we did together and how you can start your planning process on your own:
- Get a planner. (I used the Passion Planner and cannot recommend it enough)
- Get a 12 month desktop calendar
- Have pens, highliters, pencils and erasers
- A notebook
- A whiteboard or large post it paper – flip chart
Next you’re going to want to block out 3 hours on your calendar for planning.
When planning day comes you’re going to start by focusing on four questions:
- What’s the vision for my business for the upcoming year?
- How much money do I want to make?
- How will I do it?
- What marketing do I need to do to accomplish it?
In my business how I avoid desperation marketing is by hosting events. I host at least one per year, specifically work toward having my most ideal clients attend and then make an offer that’s ideally suited to them. This allows me to not have to scramble at year end and to overly promote to my list.
Although I go much deeper with my clients and my Revenue Makers, this is a great start to planning your year and avoiding having to desperately scramble to meet your year end goals next year.
Sound simple enough? Now let me know in the comments below your questions about how to plan your upcoming year for your business. And if you’re interested in having some support with planning a profitable year for your business, I’m offering a limited number of Private Virtual Half Day Retreats to help you accomplish it. To find out more, simply complete this confidential questionnaire and I’ll be in touch with more details and to see if it’s a right fit for you.
Photo Credit: – rawpixel-com.
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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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