how I’m taking 2 weeks off…

August 14, 2014

Can you remember the last time you took two week off – in a row?!

That’s what I’m gearing up to do.

Tomorrow my baby turns 18, then Andrew’s birthday is a few days later followed by taking the kids to college. (How on earth did this happen?!)

So I’m cutting the cord and taking a week off with as a family and another week off for school prep and drop-off.

Maybe it’s not decadent to you but to me taking two weeks off in a row is down-right delightful.

Want to know how I can afford to do this (never mind how I organized my business so that it wouldn’t miss a beat?)

Here it is in a nutshell…

I’ve created an online business model with multiple revenue streams that let me!

Not only do I get to take time off whenever I want but I no longer have to worry about how to make money in my business.

There were five things I figured out when I decided I wanted to quit my job and make this business my only source of income:

  1. Create an Online Business Model with multiple income streams
  2. Create an Online Sales Funnel and drive traffic to it
  3. Become an expert at selling in 1:1 conversations and from all my presentations
  4. How to profit from that thing you do and turn it into services, products and programs
  5. How design launches that convert into sales

Now the thing that’s really cool about this formula is that you can easily do the same in your business too.

And I’m teaching exactly how you can do this (create a freedom based business that let’s you take more time off) in my brand-new program “Make Money Online: The Step-by-Step Plan to Create a Highly-Profitable Service-Based Business Online”, starting August 26th that will turn everything around for you.

Registration (with a special offer) is open! (CLICK HERE to watch my video that explains it all)

“Make Money Online: The Step-by-Step Plan for Creating a Highly-Profitable Service-Based Business Online” is what EVERY business owner who wants to take their service based business online (and make money from it) needs to know.

It’s the soup-nuts of exactly how to create an online business model (one that makes 6-figures and beyond).

Since I know that maybe right now finances are tight, we’ve decided to offer this program for a no-brainer investment. 

I tell you all about it in the video I made for you. Click the image below to watch it now (not later), this minute because there’s some urgency to this:


There are three things you should know:

  1. We’re only taking a small number  of people in the program (and we are now HALF FULL)
  2. We only want people who are ready to create a lucrative online business (sorry, we can’t take everyone)
  3. This opportunity is only going to be open (at this low investment just one-time and only for a short time). It’s not going to be this low again.

I’m really excited to show you how this is done. This entire formula has changed my life in so many amazing ways.

Now I must put the frosting on Abby’s birthday cake and finish decorating it (it’s going to be so cute!).

Hope to see you grab one of the last few spots!


P.S. Remember, we’ve only got a few seats left and we’re closing enrollment as soon as we’re full. So if you’re serious about creating a freedom based online business then don’t wait and get in now at the lowest price it will ever be then go here now to check it out and register.

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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Jeannie Spiro

Want to turn your expertise into more clients and revenue?

- Here’s how I can help -

Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients

Want to turn your speaking engagements into leads and clients? Let's work together to create your signature talk and speaking lead generation system to drive more ideal clients to your offers.
Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.

The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services

Ready to turn your expertise into offers that allow you to serve more clients, make more money and make a bigger difference through your work?
Learn more about this Group Coaching Program Experience below.


Private Sales Strategy Intensive with Jeannie: work 1:1 with Jeannie to sell and scale your offers

Want to dig into my expertise in sales funnels, sales systems and launches that have generated $250,000+ $500,000+ so you can better monetize yours?

Learn more abut this Private Intensive Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.