How and When to Hire a Virtual Assistant

June 30, 2017

Have you been holding off on hiring an assistant to help you in your business? If you’re spending more hours working in your business instead of focusing on how to grow your business, it’s time to look at hiring support.

Too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking that they don’t need help in their business. Choosing to save money vs. hiring a highly capable team member who can take work of their plate.

In the video below, I’m sharing why, when and how to hire support for your business. If you’re serious about your business growth, take 5 minutes to watch:

In a nutshell..

The more time you spend on tasks that can be done faster and easier by someone else, the more time you’re wasting on your business growth.

Take for example someone who recently told me she spent 18 hours focused on completing an administrative task. Let’s imagine that she makes $100 an hour. Now if she hiring a Virtual Assistant who charges $30 an hour and can complete that task in 3 hours, she would have spent just $90 for this project and could have focused on filling her 18 hours and working with clients and making $1,800. $90 would have been a drop in the bucket to that profit.

Wonder what your assistant can do for you?

Here’s a sampling of what my team does for me:

  • Creates and schedules social media content
  • Schedules clients
  • Managing my newsletter and blog (I do the creation)
  • Managing my member portals for Revenue Makers Mastermind and Client Converting Talks
  • Finds speaking opportunities
  • Billing and accounts receivable

And much more.

What can or does your team do for you? I’d love to hear in the comments below! And if you don’t have a team member, what’s holding you back from getting support?


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Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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