Speaking: Your Best Marketing Strategy for Conversion
Speaking is my number one marketing strategy for conversion. It’s the fastest way to attract and convert clients and the way I fill my client roster, programs, and live events. Stop the Marketing Merry-Go-Round When I was first in business, I learned and implemented every marketing strategy I could get my hands on. At…
Read MoreWhat to Cover In a 15 Minute Speaking Gig
15 minutes? How can you possibly give a great presentation in that short amount of time? Short answer, you can! Because I think that any chance you can get your message out to more people is a great opportunity, even a short speaking spot is something not to pass on. While most coaches focus on…
Read MoreHow to Create Your Speaker One Sheet
Want to secure more speaking engagements? Make sure you have a Speaker One Sheet. What’s a Speaker One Sheet? It’s a summary of who you are, why you’re qualified to talk about your topic and what your signature talk topic is all about. In today’s video I’m sharing: Exactly what a Speaker One Sheet is…
Read MoreHow to Showcase Yourself as a Speaker and Get More Gigs
Are you wanting to secure more speaking engagements this year? Wondering how you can be the sought after speaker that everyone wants to hear? In this week’s video you’ll discover several simple ways to help you become the “in demand” speaker you’d like to be. Another way to showcase yourself as a speaker is to…
Read MorePulling Back the Curtain on Your Signature Talk
I’m often told by clients and audience members that they appreciate that I tell it like it is. I share my wins and my losses so that you don’t have to make the same mistakes. I like to think of it as pulling back the curtain and showing what’s happening behind the scenes. When you…
Read More4 Keys to a Signature Talk that Actually Converts Clients
Picture this…you’ve gotten a great speaking gig, you’re in front of your ideal clients (a whole room of them in fact), you’ve prepared your presentation, overcome your nerves and step on stage with total confidence. In your mind you’re thinking, “I’ve got this! There’s no way this room of ideal clients isn’t going to sign…
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