Reinvent Yourself

Today’s the anniversary of my first ever business client agreeing to work with me! It was 10 years ago and I was a Health Coach at the time. I had no idea that I’d eventually morph into a Business Coach or that I’d have several niches along the way… But today – even as I…

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Bust money blocks this summer (it’s not what you think!)

There are two camps of people I see floating around the internet this summer. The first is people who have convinced themselves the summer is always slow. So they shut down from making offers in their business. They haven’t really figured out how to consistently book clients and monetize their offers. They’ve backed themselves into…

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One Speech Generated 5 Figures In 7 Days

Sometimes one of the hardest things I deal with as a mentor is when a client stops listening. I know I’ve been guilty of it. Maybe you have too. It happened recently with a client who’d been working with me to grow and monetize their coaching business. After following all of my advice, they went…

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3 Top Marketing Strategies to Generate Leads Quickly

Having a steady flow of quality leads is critical. All business owners know the panic that sets in when the lead generation pipeline starts to dwindle. That’s why a clear and intentional marketing strategy is so important if you want to have a successful, and profitable, business. I’ve built my business using 3 top marketing…

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