Are you serving or selling?
April 7, 2015

I want to talk to you about something I’m seeing in the coaching and consulting industry that really needs to be addressed.
There’s a real problem that’s going on, business owners aren’t being taught exactly how to get ideal clients.
Now hang with me for a second because this is really important to the future of your business.
There’s a major distinction between using standard marketing strategies to bring in any ‘ole clients vs. using marketing strategies to bring in ideal clients who are exactly who you can best serve.
And if you’re anything like me, serving and supporting people is important to you.
But when you’re marketing to everyone and accepting anyone you’re not serving who you can do your most impactful work with (believe me, I’ve been there and it’s not fun).
Instead, you attract clients who…
Don’t value you, your work and brilliance
Don’t think anything of asking for a refund after working with you for a few sessions
Don’t get results because they don’t do the work
So this leaves you constantly looking for new clients, offering refunds, not having consistent income and resenting clients you really aren’t supposed to be serving anyway.
But when you approach marketing as a way of attracting people you can best serve, you will get clients who will…
Easily pay for your services
Happily refer business to you
Re-enroll in your programs
Do the work and get the results
So how do you get these amazing ideal clients?
Easy…you do it in a way they can hear you and in a way that let’s them self-select so you can weed out all the people who aren’t ideal.
The best way I know how to do it is the same way I’ve filled my practice and continue to get incredible clients every month…
They come from speaking.
Now hear me out on this once again (I know you may be uncomfortable doing this but it’s truly the fastest and easiest way to reach more people you can serve) and here’s how…
Very simply, you create a client converting talk and deliver it to those individuals who are ideally suited to work with you.
Then, once you have that talk you can deliver it in webinars, teleseminars, in workshops you host or local live speaking engagements.
And when you have a talk that’s designed around what it is they most need to hear and most need support with, they’ll naturally want to take the next step with you.
So how do you design your talk?
Simple, the answer is in my upcoming private Workshop.

I’m truly over the top excited to be hosting this intimate one day event for coaches, consultants and business owners who have a message to share, a desire to serve and want to attract more of their ideal clients.
We’ve got the most incredible group of business owners already registered – people who are serious about learning how to attract more clients with their message and make more money in their business.
And it turns out this was a really popular idea because there are now only 12 seats left (and I don’t know how much longer they’ll last).
This very unique workshop isn’t just about me teaching, it’s designed so that you can join the 40 other business owners and leave with your talk in hand so you can get booked, host a teleseminar or webinar and attract your most wonderful clients.
You never know – you may even get yourself booked just from attending this event!
Plus, if you register by Sunday, April 19th I’m going to give you a gift for my birthday!
Because I want you to have the entire system to generate client-converting talks, I’m gifting you the Create Profitable Signature Talks program (Value: $497), my 5-step online training course (and Private Facebook Group) teaching you exactly how to design, deliver and profit from your talk.
So not only will you get my support in the LIVE workshop but you’ll have access to the entire online program (and community) to learn how to attract your ideal clients when you speak.
If this sounds in the least bit great to you, I wouldn’t wait. I’m feeling really generous because after all, I only turn 40 something once 😉
I consider it my gift to help you impact more lives for the better and I would love to teach you how to do this in a way you can profit. I so hope you’ll make the necessary steps to carve out time to come.
Will you join us?
Head here to get the full scoop and see if this works for you.
Hope to see you in a few weeks.
P.S. If this doesn’t work for you but you know of someone who may really appreciate attending, please feel free to forward this message on.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
Download the Ultimate Speaking Lead Generation Starter Guide
Discover how to get your most ideal leads from speaking

Want to turn your expertise into more clients and revenue?
- Here’s how I can help -
Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients
Want to turn your speaking engagements into leads and clients? Let's work together to create your signature talk and speaking lead generation system to drive more ideal clients to your offers.
Learn more about this Private Coaching Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.
The Amplify Incubator™ Group Coaching Program: for coaches and experts ready to monetize and sell their offers and services
Ready to turn your expertise into offers that allow you to serve more clients, make more money and make a bigger difference through your work?
Learn more about this Group Coaching Program Experience below.
Private Sales Strategy Intensive with Jeannie: work 1:1 with Jeannie to sell and scale your offers
Want to dig into my expertise in sales funnels, sales systems and launches that have generated $250,000+ $500,000+ so you can better monetize yours?
Learn more abut this Private Intensive Experience with Jeannie Spiro below.