7 Creative Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Free Offer

October 9, 2014

Way back when I set up my first website my coach told me that I needed to start building my list with an irresistible free offer.

Like most newer coaches I had the standard Constant Contact Sign Up box on my site with my offer simply being “Sign Up for My Newsletter”.

She told me that before I did anything else I MUST fix this.

No one would sign up for my mailing list unless I had something they wanted (and a monthly newsletter wasn’t going to cut it).

These days I preach the same advice to my clients because I know the value and the money that’s in a mailing list.

We all know there’s a lot of competition on the web and there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’ve got amazing stuff to offer but no one will ever know about it because they can’t find you.

Well the best way for them to find you is through your free offer.

When you drive traffic to it you get people on your mailing list and you get in front of a lot more people who can become clients and customers.

The first basic rule of a free offer is to make sure that it’s super desirable.

Make sure it addresses one of the key challenges that your target market is dealing with.

Once you know what that is, create an audio, workbook, video series or report and then drive traffic to it.

Most importantly – don’t do all that work and let it just sick there on your website lonely as can be!

Instead, start driving traffic to it.

Here are a few creative ways to drive more traffic to your free offer.

  1. Use Facebook Ads to drive traffic to your website
  2. Include your free offer at the bottom of your email signature
  3. Include your free offer in your speaking bio for guest posts on blogs
  4. Set up a separate landing page with a simple and branded url and drive traffic to it (it’s less distracting than your website)
  5. Include your free offer in all of your social media profiles
  6. Your speaking materials point them to your free offer
  7. Put your free offer (and the link to it) on the back of your business card

These are just a few ways but there are plenty more.

During your marketing time over the next week, take some time to go through your current traffic driving strategy and see what needs updating.

Okay, now it’s your turn. Which of these strategies will you implement in the next week? Let me know in the comments below.

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

Hey there!

I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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Monetize the Stage™ Private Coaching Program: for coaches and experts who want to turn their talks into clients

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