6 Pointers for Your Business Headshot

March 6, 2013

Every business needs to have a professional photo done at one time or another. As a business owner, especially with a service-based business, you’ll want to have a photo done that represents you and your brand.

Frequently newer business owners use amateur photos for their headshot but I caution against this because you’ll be surprised how much of a turn off it is to future clients and other businesses. If you want your business to be taken seriously then you need to have it reflect total professionalism and that includes having a professional headshot done.

Getting your headshots done doesn’t have to break the bank. You can get even get them done at your local photo studio at the mall if your’e trying to be conservative.

Regardless, it’s important to get one done.

Before you even sit down for the photo shoot here are some simple pointers you should know:

  • Consult with a branding or image consultant – you should know what to wear, what looks good on you and what will look good in a photo.
  • Find a reputable photo studio and schedule a session – who do you know who is a professional photographer? Can you go to your local mall and book a session? Remember, when you’re just starting out you don’t have to break the bank but you do want a photo done by someone who knows what they’re doing.
  • Schedule a hair appointment – if you can’t do your hair yourself, then I recommend making a hair appointment to have it blown out or professionally styled. That is of course if that’s part of your brand.
  • Get your makeup done (or do it yourself) – your makeup is the same as your hair. You’ll be sitting under bright lights so tell the makeup artist that you’ll be getting your photo done and they’ll know what to do for your photo.
  • Get plenty of sleep the night before – the last thing you want are wrinkles under your eyes. Get a good night sleep so your eyes are fresh and bright.
  • Don’t eat puffy foods – I recommend staying away from alcohol, sugar and cheese the night before your photo shoot. Also, any foods that you have a sensitivity to make sure you avoid these for a few days before.

Those are some of my basic tips for prepping for your headshot. Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive but it does need to get done.

What are your suggestions? Any tips or pointers I may have missed? What do you think about when you meet someone in person and their photo doesn’t match who they are? Have you ever noticed when someone uses an outdated photo? Not cool, right?

Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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