Is Your Fear of Speaking (or Not Feeling Ready) Stopping You?

Over the last few months I’ve been working privately with a client helping her build her business model, marketing plan, signature system and signature talk. Since starting our work together she’s gone from a few clients to a full practice, to not charging enough to reaching her monthly revenue goal, to no system or process…

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Will Less Lead to More?

There’s no question that marketing makes a business go ’round. The question is, how much marketing do you need to do and what type is best for your business? I’ve been engaged in quite a few conversations with clients, colleagues and friends over the last few months as to what’s the right amount of marketing…

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The Skinny on Hosting a Low Cost Workshop

Years back when I first started in sales I used to work for an insurance company selling coverage to Medicare recipients. Understanding that the elderly wanted to be well educated about their insurance buying decisions my company set up and promoted weekly workshops at various times and locations throughout the state. For me it was…

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