2 Things To Consider When Hiring a Business Coach to Help You Grow Your Business
July 7, 2016

I hired my first business coach back in 2010 and haven’t been without one since. Many colleagues often questioned my choices and decisions but I have to tell you that there’s no way I’d be where I am today had I not hired mentors.
We all know there are many coaches, mentors and programs to choose from so the question comes down to how do you decide.
In today’s post I’ll share how I choose my business coaches and two things to help you decide who’s the best one for you.
Tip #1: Choose a Business Coach who has the business you want: You must know where you are right now to know where you want to go. Take a look at your business and how it exists right now. Do you want it to remain the way it is or do you want to improve it? Decide what you want it to look like.
Next look at different types of businesses out there. Look at business owners and their business models. What do you like about them? What don’t you like? Hiring a business coach to help you execute a similar business model to help you achieve what you want will shorten the curve for you. Hence, help you grow faster.
How I’ve grown faster is mainly because I’ve hired mentors to teach me how to host workshops, how to master selling, how to develop webinars, signature talks, how to create online courses, how to create a lifestyle business model and more. All things I learned how to do and now teach in my coaching programs.
So think about who has what you want and then learn all you can from them.
Tip #2: Don’t wait
Yes, it may be a stretch for you right now but hiring a business coach can help you get where you want to go faster. Think of it this way…if you stay where you are in a place of not being able to make a decision, you’re wasting precious time and money. To help move you with making a decision here’s what I’d recommend:
- Identify exactly where you want to be in your business one year from now
- Make a list of coaches you’ve identified who can potentially help you get there
- If you don’t know of enough coaches, ask your friends and colleagues for referrals
- Vet them by having Strategy Sessions, listening to their free webinars/teleseminars, reviewing their blogs and video blogs and even attending their workshops and events.
- Once you’ve done your research, make your decision, then apply what they teach and stay focused. The faster you put blinders on and focus, the sooner you’ll grow.
I’m 100% certain that I wouldn’t have a multiple 6 figure business today if I didn’t hire coaches to help me get here. So if you’re ready for the next level, don’t wait. Find someone to support you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments below. What do you feel you need in a coach to help you move your business forward? Let me know in the comments below.
And PS – want to get my weekly FREE trainings inside my Midlife CEO Facebook Group? If you’re a woman coach or client-business owner working toward 6 or 7-figures. Join me inside my free community.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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