2 Mistakes to Creating Offers

March 6, 2014

As entrepreneurs we often get caught in our own heads about what we want to offer prospects vs. what they really want to buy.

One thing you need to always remember is that in business and sales it’s never about you it’s always about the client or customer.

So how do you create truly offers? Here are two mistakes I often see that you should avoid before creating your offers:

Not Knowing What Your Market Wants

The mistake most people make is that they think they know what people want but the best way to sell is to be as clear as possible.

How do you do that? Simple, you do your market research and you ask.

Let’s take one of my former clients for example. Before working together she was struggling to sell her services. She had a long list of services and packages that looked great on paper but never seemed to sell. Upon working together I quickly noticed that she was offering what she thought her clients would need but not what they wanted.

It may seem like I’m splitting hairs but there’s a big difference. If you are guessing what your clients want or only offering what you want to deliver then you need to stop and start asking what it is they want to buy.

Not Creating Results Based Offers

Let’s face it, we all want and need instant gratification and our clients want the same result when working with us.

It doesn’t matter what type of business you have but the faster you can create a result for a client the happier they will be.

Most clients I start working with aren’t clear about the results based process they offer to clients. I like to call this your signature system. Essentially it’s the process you take people through to get them a result.

Results based offers can only be created once you are clear on the process you’ve taken or can take someone through in order to help them achieve their desired outcome.

The best way to determine your signature system is to clearly identify all the steps in your results based process.

Then once you do you can decide how to create offers that your clients will buy.

Lastly you should decide how to deliver them.

For example, I’m clear about the fastest path to results for my clients and I teach them how to grow their business online. One of the ways I do it is by teaching exactly how I’ve achieved a multiple 1000 person mailing list, filled my practice and mastermind programs all by speaking online.

The exact steps that I took I now teach either in VIP Retreats, my SHINE Mastermind programs or working privately in my coaching programs.

So when it comes down to creating offers make sure you deliver what your clients want and offer them in an attractive way they can’t resist buying.

Comments? I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

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Jeannie Spiro: Business Coach & Strategist

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I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.

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Jeannie Spiro

Want to make more money in your business?

- Here’s how I can help -

Monetize the Stage™:
The Signature Talk Lead Generation Program

Attract more clients, fill your funnel and get more ideal clients to your Discovery Calls so you can sell your coaching programs and offers in this private coaching program that includes modules, templates and guides.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want to use speaking to attract ideal clients through live and virtual stages.

Revenue Makers Mastermind The Money Multiplying & Business Scaling Program

This 12-month program helps you create recurring revenue business models, transformational offers, a one-to-many marketing system and simplified sales systems to monetize and scale your business and break into multiple 6 figures and beyond.

Ideal for growing and advancing online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want a streamlined approach to attract, convert and scale.

Sales Strategy with Jeannie: 90-Day Private Sales Accelerator Program

Work with Jeannie in her private 90 day coaching program to design or refine your next offer, develop your sales system to sell and fill your your offer, coaching program or mastermind with ease.

Ideal for online coaches, strategists and service based business owners who want private coaching to help you launch, sell and enroll clients into your next offer.