10 Ways to Give Thanks to Your Clients (and Create Super Fans in the Process)
November 25, 2015

We all know the work that goes into getting a client but we often don’t talk about why it’s important to retain a client and how to go about doing it.
For most of my corporate life I was paid to retain clients. Although I made a base salary, commissions were based on sales and client retention. So in order to receive the highest commissions possible it was necessary to create a client retention practice so I could guarantee the commissions I wanted to receive.
As a business owner it’s up to you to create a client retention practice and a system to make sure that as you continue to grow your business your clients grow with you.
One of the biggest benefits of client retention is that you will often create Super Fans. Super Fans are clients who follow you every where you go, attend all of your events, refer clients to you, take all of your courses and programs and grow with you as you continue to grow.
I believe that every business owner needs Super Fans.
So how do you start creating a tribe of Super Fans? Simple…it starts by treating them right and giving them the gratitude they deserve.
Here are 10 ways to give thanks to your clients:
- Send handwritten notes: With email and social media, getting snail mail barely happens anymore. That’s why it’s really nice when you do that. I make it a practice to hand write all of my holiday cards and send them to clients. A personal note of thanks and well wish. Don’t underestimate the impact a personal note can make.
Send a recommended book: Is there a book you absolutely love and believe your clients need to have? Why not send it to your clients? You can either give it as a gift when you onboard them or give it out when you know someone really is in need. One of the books I often send out as a gift is Profit First by Mike Michalowicz. What’s a book you’d send a client?
- Call Out Clients Socially: A nice way to show your clients how much you appreciate them is to let others know about their work or business. One way you can do that is publicly acknowledge them. Sending out a simple shout out on social media or a post tagging your client will allow others to learn more about this special client.
- Send something yummy: A great way to your client’s heart is through their tummy. What’s better than getting an unexpected sweet treat in the mail every so often. Make a list of treats you love (sweet, healthy or whatever). Bookmark the links and when you bring on a new client, they have a birthday or a holiday; send them a treat. One of my favorites to send is Godiva
Surprise Them: At my Expansion Coaching Club Retreats my clients come to Rhode Island to work on their business and mastermind with everyone in the club. It’s a great time for me to treat them extra special when they come in for this dedicated time. Ways I’ve done that is to take them out to dinner, like the last event where all of us went out to a local Lobster Restaurant. Everyone loved the extra TLC and will remember the evening for a long time. What are some ways you can do this for your clients when you have the chance to be with them in person?
- Refer Business to Your Clients: One way to thank your clients is to include them in your referral rolodex. If your clients happen to have a service you can refer others to, do it. This alone is one of the greatest ways you can thank your clients.
- Offer Quick Responses: Just because you’ve gained a client doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take care of them. A great way to do that is to reply to their messages and emails promptly. Whenever I take on a new private client I filter their messages to a special client folder I’ve created. This folder I check several times throughout the day and during my reply times I email them first.
- Give Them Access to Your Private Email and or Cell Phone: Taking this a little further. Why not treat them special by giving them access to you any time. Most people won’t do it but if you have a Super Fan client who you’ve been working with for years, why not give them direct dial access to you so they can get support from you any time they need?
- Offer Preferred Client Pricing: When you launch a new course or program, why not offer a special price/rate to existing clients. So for example, if you roll out a new mastermind program, why not offer the program to your existing clients for a reduced rate as your thanks for working with you?
- Just Because: I like to send gifts, offer bonuses and send out what I call “Just Because” gifts to randomly thank my clients. How can you incorporate that into your business?
There are many ways you can thank your clients for working with you? Creating a system to make this a part of your business is key. Don’t dismiss this or you’ll be dismissing your best clients and the potential business they can bring to you as a long term client or someone who refers business to you.
So in the spirit of Thanksgiving and the holiday season, what can you do to thank your clients? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to hear more suggestions!
And if you’re struggling to bring in more clients and need more support with growing your business then let’s connect for a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session. Click here to book your session.

Hey there!
I’m Jeannie Spiro, business coach and strategist for woman coaches and service-providers. Want to make more money in your business? Here’s how I can help.
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